History of Australian Roof Tiles and Restorations
Terracotta roof tiles have been around for many years. In-fact, the first production of clay roof tiles came about in the early 1200’s.
It was in 1477 that King Edward IV passed on a law that plain clay tiles be 10.5″x6.25″x0.373″ in size which is still the size that is currently known as the current British standard.
In 1892, an Australian company called Wunderlich began to import terracotta roof tiles from Marseilles, France.
These were a great quality tile that is found on many houses even today.
World war one put a stop to the importation of terracotta tiles and so Wunderlich began to manufacture there own terracotta tiles here in Australia.
In 1940, a company named Monier began producing the first concrete roof tiles. These were a very popular choice for their durability and low price.
During the 1970’s, the most common roofing material was the concrete roof tile. With many companies producing countless profiles, the concrete roof tile is still the most durable and cost effective roofing material on the market today.
By the mid 1970’s, as the paint technology got better, roof restoration companies first attempted painting roofs.
The early 80’s was when roof painting first really took off. Concrete roofs had been fading for years and the technology for painting was getting much better. Unfortunately, this trend brought about the cowboys in the industry who knew nothing about
roof painting Melbourne and took advantage of consumer’s lack of knowledge. Many horror stories were being told of roofs peeling and cement cracking not even one year after the restoration. This problem occurred when the applicator would not prepare the roof correctly by failing to pressure clean the tiles and not fixing the ridge capping correctly before painting. Other poor methods would include mixing lots of water with the paint, not using a primer, only applying one coat and the list goes on.
Very occasional bad workmanship continued through the 90’s and is still a current threat today. It is a shame because it gives good quality roof restoration companies a bad name for the service they provide.
The truth is that when
roof restoration guidelines are followed properly, the finished product is a roof that is actually more durable than when the tiles were first laid on to your roof. They have been hardening for years and now they are painted with a great quality paint. In most cases, the tiles get one more coat than when they originally came out of the factory, providing a much longer lasting colour.
The pointing compound for the ridge capping, valleys, and gables which is used today is flexible. It has acrylic hardeners and silicon based compounds which last much longer than the cement alternative used over ten years ago. This product helps to prevent the ridges shifting and cracking with the natural movement of your house over time. These products also have UV protective additives to minimise damage from the harsh Australian climate.
When your roof is painted by a
professional roof restorer, you can be guaranteed a great quality service like
Roof Repointing Service, one that will exceed the standard 8 year warrantee that many companies offer.
Finally, it can be tricky to settle with a roof restorer who you trust and who you think will do a good job. Just make sure you find out how long they have been in business and don’t be afraid to ask for qualification papers and any organisations they form part of.
Also be very weary of those roofing company’s that display their ads on street poles and other public areas!! They constantly change their phone numbers to avoid fines for displaying public adverts and hence are a fly by nighter whose guarantees are worthless. We have attended many a call out to a restoration done by these rogue companies. Roofs have been left in extremely poor condition with broken tiles left in, and in some cases whole tiles left out! We have inspected these roofs and found them to be of a highly sudstandard. Some of these repairs have cost the clients a lot more than the original restoration!!
One final note to remember is that most of the time you will get what you pay for. That’s not to say that a roof can’t be restored cheaply. It can, and at Guardian Roofing we can match most prices. But for the majority of roofs in need of attention, the roof restorer will need to follow the correct restoration procedure in order to get your roof looking great and to offer a long warrantee on their service. When you are going to invest hard earned money into something as important as your roof, you want to be sure that the job is done right.
Guardian Roofing, we place a big emphasis on safety. Not just our’s and your’s, but also the safety of passes by and the protection of property we are working on or near. It is actually the home owner’s responsibilty as well as the contractor to ensure that all work to be carried out is done according to to the latest O&HS safety legislations. Big penalties can apply to companies and home owners who do not comply with these regulations. Perimeter Roofing Safety Rail is becoming more and more mandatory on roofing jobs today. We provide and install our own certified rail.
We perform a Job Saftey Analylis (JSA) before the commencement of each project to highlight any safety concerns and determine the most assured, practical and economical way in which to undertake our service.
Each of our employees has undertaken worksafe approved safety courses and first aid courses. We hold licenses for operating Vertical Lifts and Scissor Lifts to any height, and Boom Lift’s over 11 metres.
If you’re looking for professional roof restoration in Blackburn, roof restoration in Balwyn, roof restoration in Eltham, or roof restoration in Ivanhoe, look no further than Guardian Roofing. With their expertise and experience in the industry, Guardian Roofing offers top-quality roof restoration solutions that will transform the look and functionality of your roof.